我今年第四次来马尔代夫。这是最令我印象深刻的酒店。来到酒店受到热情的欢迎。我们在早上9点抵达酒店。酒店直接带我们回到房间,进行登记。酒店的服务很好。一切都做的刚刚好。女儿的泳衣放在桌子上,染了颜色,当然这不是酒店的错。酒店在第二天早上,送了她一套新的。孩子开心的不得了。吃饭有点小贵。但是就马尔代夫的价格,也可以接受。其他酒店也不会便宜。酒店的活动价格也非常合理。房间的卫生,做的很好。感谢华尔道夫酒店,令我的假期如此完美。 ...展开
酒店在COVID-19疫情下仍提供无与伦比的服务,舒适的住宿和美味的食物,很适合想暂时离开繁嚣都市度假的人。酒店的优秀我太太ayanla也已通过Hilton的调查邮件评论,在这里补充些照片留念。 ...展开
下机后就是新颖豪华的游艇接送至岛上,不需停留在马列岛😊 符合想像的房间和景色,珊瑚礁就在几公尺前,餐厅选择多各有特色且美味 ...展开
整趟旅游都很满意。从机场的的游艇接送到饭店的迎宾都很周到。餐厅食物都很好吃、尤其是早餐。丰盛、食材也新鲜。 餐厅会推荐Glow的牛排和Terra。活动方面海钓不错、海钓的鱼他们可以帮料理。鱼很好吃、很新鲜。可惜没有看到海豚。Spa很贴心。会帮你量身适合你的spa。海景也很美、沙滩都很干净。浮潜很有意思、可以看到小鲨鱼。饭店整体服务很好、饭店人员都很亲切。很推荐Waldorf ...展开
酒店是今年7月新开的,硬件软件都很上档次,所以成为了我们的蜜月旅行目的地,酒店会安排豪华的游艇负责从马累接送游客上岛,岛上的服务人员都很nice,遇到客人会很开心的打招呼,我们的私人管家Moussa很专业也很负责,酒店分沙屋、礁湖屋、水屋,我们选择了水屋,水屋独立成院子而且自带泳池,另外从水屋后面可以直接下海游玩,海水很清澈。岛上有11家餐厅,拥有不同的风格,味道很不错而且分量也很足,基本不会有吃不惯或者不够吃的问题,另外酒店还有很多娱乐项目,我们选择了滑翔伞,能从高空看到岛的全貌,是非常愉快而特别的体验。很可惜因为天气原因我们错过了出海看海豚之旅,不过以后还有机会,我们还会再来,是蜜月度假的不二之选。 ...展开
这次选了新开的华尔道夫作为马尔代夫之旅的落脚地,是个非常正确的决定。我们的管家是一位叫Camille的漂亮妹子,人超级好很随和,贴心的给我们安排餐厅也给我们房间升了级,对啦,她笑起来也很可爱哈啊哈。这次我们体验了沙屋,半沙半水,水屋三种房型。每一种都很有特色,沙屋连接沙滩,小孩喜欢玩沙子的就很方便,出了门可以直接走到沙滩上,隐蔽性也很高。半沙半水屋性价比比较高,沙滩走入,无边泳池也是面向大海的,可以直接从楼梯下到海里。纯水屋的话就是木栈道为入口,除了屋里有一个透明玻璃很有特色,可见直观海面,其他的与半沙半水屋是一样的。岛上餐厅本来想去体验terra鸟巢但是儿子才三岁有安全隐患所以不能上去用餐,遗憾呀!最爱的是THE LEDGE真的很赞。还需要提及的是早餐的面挺不错的哈哈。 最后想说的是,之前看攻略说飞虫什么的很多,这次来应该少了很多吧。反正我看见的不太多!这个岛真的很好呢~ ...展开
Travelled in a pack of two couples for a short vacation of 6days. WA Maldives definitely surprised us and we enjoyed our stay here. We had hard time choosing between Joali and Waldorf Astoria but finally went with WA since I’ve stayed in a wonderful suite in WA Chicago for 1 night bcuz of an overnight stopover, the furnishing there was wonderful and luxurious which left me with a special favor to the brand since then. Anyway WA Maldives was a total surprise as a new resort. THERES ONLY ONE THING THAT ANNOYED ME DURING MY STAY is that the time arrangement of the transfer service to the resort. In our case, we decided to stay near MLE airport for the first night and be transferred to WA the second day. At first, the staff told us to be at the airport on 7:30a.m. for transfer, we are a bit confused since the time for checkin in would normally be around 2pm and what’s the point of getting up so early? We double checked with the staff from WA that meet us up at the airport, he said that he’s not sure but if the resort arrange us to be transferred in such an early time, they probably gonna check us in earlier after we arrive there. Also, we got to the airport right on time on 7.30am and the staff told us to wait for another 2 guests which their plane just landed 15 mins ago. AND WE FOUR WAITED ALMOST 2 HOURS FOR THE OTHER 2 GUEST AT THE AIRPORT. it’s kinda confusing bcuz we stayed in a hotel which was only 10mins driving from the airport and I’m sure that the staff of WA knows that bcuz they asked us to provide the name of the hotel and said they would be get in touch with them before we get on the plane. Anyways we got to the resort on around 10am after a 40mins yacht ride, an Asian lady which speaks Mandarine helped us with our checkin process which was very thoughtful and convenient for the Chinese guests. But she told us that unfortunately we are not able to checkin at this time and we have to be wait till 2pm, and our two villas(we travelled in a pack of four ppl and made the reservation under 1 order) are on completely two sides of the resort which means we have to call a buggy and take a nearly 10mins ride for a visit. I would say these two things shocked us at that time since we were not expecting these after an 8-hour-flight the day before, an early-getup and 2-hour-wait this morning at the airport. Honestly, the lady wasn’t being very helpful with our requests of nearer villas and early checkin, but the front desk manager Ahmed did help us out with switching our villas to nearer spots and getting one of the villas ready for checking in around 11am. Everything went smooth and fabulous since then. FOOD Must try Lilong for Peking duck and the Ledge for the cheeseburger. The breakfast and dinner buffet at Tasting Table was very nice too if you booked your stay with a half board setting. SERVICE The staff there were all warm-hearted and helpful. They had a management cocktail party at the Peacock Alley during our stay and you would realize the staff there are all equipped with experiences of working all around the world and professions after talking to them. Thanx to our butler Hassan which helps us out a lot during our stay. Really helpful and enthusiastic guy! ROOM WONDERFUL. Large, clean and fully equipped. 很棒的stay!!工作人员都很热情、很愿意和你沟通~对于一个才开的新酒店来说很惊喜啦,做过很多功课来的~ 除了一开始的小瑕疵以外真的都和想象中一样!房间硬件设施真的很全,秋千床秋千沙发吊床都有,而且私人泳池也蛮大的。我们定的是豪水豪沙,300平应该有了。很宽敞!餐饮对中国人很友好,不管是Tangled、lilong还是主餐厅Tasting Table,都蛮多中国胃友好的食物,而且很正宗!!厨师和工作人员都有中国人,英语不好也不怕~ 有一点就是可能岛上家庭带着小bb来的比较多,我们两对年轻情侣一起来玩感觉夜生活不太热闹哈哈哈…可以抽水烟的沙滩bar叫nava感觉晚上太冷静荒废掉了~好可惜! ...展开
在上岛前内心其实都还是很忐忑的,因为在前期做攻略时看到有一条说苍蝇多而且服务也达不到这个酒店的标准。直到上岛后住了第一晚的沙屋后,我才确定没有做错选择。房间内没有苍蝇,在第二天早上主餐厅吃早餐时也没有苍蝇打扰我们。岛上工作人员非常热情,特别是我们的管家Hassan,总是能在第一时间解决我们的问题,真的特别感谢他给予我们的帮助,还有照相馆健谈的小哥Afrah,拍的照片完全超出我们的预期,最后还多送了我们几张成片,在等待打印时我们从他的家乡聊到国内大江南北,还有在Glow晚餐让我们受宠若惊的服务小哥和主厨。 作为新岛,酒店的硬件设施非常棒,豪华游艇接送,在离岛时体验了一次两人包船。房间内浴袍非常舒服,特别是房间内的开关都能通过一部平板操作很实用,唯一不足男士剃须刀不太好用。我们一般选择在出去晚餐时打扫房间,每天都有更换不同的一小罐点心,还会多送来两瓶饮用水,每次打扫时都会更换冰块满足对酒水的需要。 餐厅只体验了4个,中餐厅Lilong中规中矩,片皮鸭好评,但能在岛上吃到这种水平的中国菜也实属不易了,在Lilong认识了中餐厅华人经理Tony,给了我们一些岛上怎么玩的建议和帮助。个人比较喜欢Ledge,肉食动物一定要去打卡,Ledge的汉堡作为下午加餐是真的棒。 现在回忆起岛上的那几天真的是特别美好,非常期待下一次能有机会再次体验马代华尔道夫。 ...展开
Perfect experience in waldorf...foods,views,activities, services everything’s r just awesome. Thanks for my assistant Mr.Pato, gave to me so much help. Wonderful holiday! 在华尔道夫拥有了近乎完美的体验,食物,景色,活动,服务都很棒,特别感谢我的管家Pato,会一点中文给了我们很多帮助。非常美好的假期! ...展开
新开的酒店,设施很新,有豪华游艇接送,可以直接上岛。岛上一共有11个餐厅,尝试了一大半出品都不错,尤其推荐中餐厅。24小时的送餐服务也是高水准的。遇到的所有的服务人员都很nice,尽心尽责。 我们的小黑管家是Naeem,非常kind的一个人,因为我们的美元是旧版本的不能用,还主动帮我们垫钱,后期自己去马累换,感动的一塌糊涂。真的非常感谢Naeem这些天的照顾,we miss you and Charline. 还有岛上的小黑photographer(忘记问名字),拍照很棒,强烈推荐大家去找他拍照,一定会有惊喜。还有马来西亚的Sunny,中文非常棒,很感谢你的照顾。另外Terra餐厅的服务生Melody也给我们留下了深刻印象,感谢你。 总之很推荐的一个岛,水上活动也很丰富。我们去的时候虽然是雨季,风景也是美的没话说。建议大家去的第一天就提前预定好各种活动,马代的天气总是变化莫测,不过各有各的美。尤其夕阳的时候真的美到词穷。一定要去体验一次呀。 ...展开